Volta Region

  • area of 20.570 km²  (similar to the German federal state Rheinland-Pfalz)
  • tropical climate and versatile landscapes, from of rain forest to savannas
    • in the South Ghana’s biggest lagoon: Keta lagoon
    • Ghana’s highest mountain: Mount Afadzato
  • approx. 2.2 million inhabitants, thereof 41% younger than 14 years
  • agriculture is the most important branch of economy, followed by fishing and small businesses
  • Kindergardens and schools in rural areas are often in a worse state than in urban areas, the share of children that attend school in rural areas is significantly lower
  • the migration of the young population towards Accra is problematic
Die Volta-Region
The Region Volta within Ghana (map: Domenico-de-ga- CC-BY-SA-3.0 from Wikimedia Commons)

Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung von Projekten in der Region Volta in Ghana